Friday, May 18, 2007


Unfortunately I will no longer be able to accept anonymous comments. I say this is unfortunate because I believe every opinion is valuable, however if people posting must insist on being trollish, I must insist that they give some sort of name other than just "anonymous".

As to the snide remark about stoning... I would like to point out that stoning appears in the Torah and the Christian Bible as well. Nothing in either says that the practice is outdated. However we're still intelligent enough today to know that it is barbaric and unacceptable. And we know that both Christianity and Islam teach mercy and grace.

As to the bigotry found "within Islam" one only has to look as far as the Qu'ran to see that this is not something that Islam teaches. But no matter where you go, or what religion you look at, people will be people will be people. There is as much narrow mindedness in the Christian community. At times it leads to alienation and criticism, at other times it leads to fanaticism... and in some cases... yes it does lead to terrorism (i.e. people who bomb abortion clinics), blackmail, social and other types of personal sabotage. Even though these things are also not taught in Christianity. I faced more ostracism as a Christian over inane things. If all I am snubbed for as a Muslim is wearing a head scarf by outsiders, then I can handle that.

However I find most intelligent people do not treat me as if I look freaky, but they actually are quite curious about the religion and why someone whom they have come to know as a very opinionated and independent person would choose something they perceive from the American Media as so backwards and narrow minded.

In response to the links I will be putting up links that have better information and explanations, and I also encourage a stop by your local Islamic center. You may not agree with or be able to stomach the beliefs of Islam, however you might be surprised to find out that these folks are just... people. They are people that are very devoted to God, to their families, and here in America to this country.

But that would require having a mind open enough to actually want to know. So do you?

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