Sunday, July 22, 2007


I understand it has been time since I've posted. Honestly it has been difficult to sit down and write, because I still have so much to learn. The last thing I would ever want to do is write something that would mislead or misinform someone about Islam. It seems our media does that job well enough already without my assistance. One thing I did want to post though is a response to an e-mail that is cycling. A friend of my received it from a member of her own family. She is American and also converted to Islam. She has been a Muslimah for 3 years now. She was able to write some counters to the (mis)information contained in the e-mail, and I would like to share them here.

The Subject of the e-mail is "Can a good Muslim be a good American?"
The content of the e-mail will be in italics.

Troubling food for thought?.
Subject: Can a Good Muslim be a Good American?

Better think about this long and hard.....
Can a Good Muslim be a Good American?
Interesting questions for the Muslim Community to
discuss & for research on our part also.

Can a good Muslim be a good American? I forwarded
that question to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia
for 20 years . The following is his forwarded

Kadijah says in response... "The first time I got this email the 'friend' was
Muslim...I guess this time he's not"

Theologically - NO. Because his allegiance is to
Allah, the moon God of Arabia.

Kadijah: "Please go ask an Arab Christian who he
worships...go ahead...he/she will say
Allah...literally THE GOD. We worship the God of Adam,
Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmal, Jacob, David, Moses and

Religiously - no.
Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah
except Islam (Quran, 2:256)

Kadijah: "This country was founded on Religious Freedom, any of
our founding fathers would agree. Take this quote by
Thomas Jefferson

'Where the preamble declares, that coercion is a
departure from the plan of the holy author of our
religion, an amendment was proposed by inserting
"Jesus Christ," so that it would read "A departure
from the plan of Jesus Christ, the holy author of our
religion;" the insertion was rejected by the great
majority, in proof that they meant to comprehend,
within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the
Gentile, the Christian and Mohammedan, the Hindoo and
Infidel of every denomination.'

Even at the founding of our nation they were conserned
with making sure our nations laws did not impose on
other's beliefs. Although our government was founded

'Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the
common law.'-Thomas Jefferson"

Scripturally - NO. Because his allegiance is to
the five pillars of Islam and the Quran (Koran).

Kadijah: "Firstly, how can someone be scripturally a good
American if the government does not promote one
religion. Secondly, the five pillars are to worship
none but Allah, give charity, pray 5 times a day, fast
during the month or Ramadan, and go to Mecca once in
your life. Which of these pillars go against any law
in America??? Even some Christians feel importance of
making a pilgrimage to Jerusalam...are they 'less'

Geographically - NO. Because his allegiance is to
Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Kadijah: "Would I like to go to Mecca...sure, in fact one day
I have to, but do I want to live there...NO.
Please read this fatwa (religious ruling) on alligence
to one's country
(http://www.islamonlin... )

Socially - NO Because his allegiance to Islam
forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Kadijah: "I know you're referring to the verse 'O ye who
believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your
friends and protectors...'

Allah forbids you not with regard to those who fight
you not for your faith, nor drive you out of your
homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them. For
Allah loves those who are just.

Allah only forbids you with regard to those who fight
you for your faith, and drive you out of your homes
and support others in driving you out, from turning to
them for protection (or taking them as wali). Those
who seek their protection they are indeed wrong-doers

So to sum it long as my friends aren't
attacking my religion or trying to turn me out of my
home or seeking ill will against me then we're fine.

(Personal comment to recepient edited.)"

Politically - NO. Because he must submit to the
mullah (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation
of Israel and Destruction of America, the great Satan.

Kadijah: "Blah Blah Blah...rubbish read the fatwa again!"

Domestically - NO. Because he is instructed to
marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when
she disobeys him (Quran 4:34 ).

Kadijah: "Ah. Domestically a good what about
those who commit adultery? Are they 'less' American
because they are commiting a sin? Hmmm...and
instructed to marry 4 wives is a lie (rubbish)

'If you fear that you would not be able to deal justly
with the orphans, marry two, three or four of the
women who are lawful for you. But if you fear that you
would not be able to deal justly [with them] then
[restrict yourself to] one only (An-Nisa': 3)'

So during times of war, poverty, or special
circumstances it was allowed (How many wives did
Abraham have?) but if the need didnt call for it or
the husband found himself unable to provide for each
on equally then ONE!"

Intellectually - NO. Because he cannot accept the
American Constitution since it is based on Biblical
principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Kadijah: "Wow the author of this is really running out of
ways to discredit Islam...should I provide more quotes
on how the constitution is not a biblical document?"

Philosophically - NO. Because Islam, Muhammad,
and the Quran do not allow freedom of religion and
expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist.
Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or

Kadijah: " There is freedom of religion, during early Islam
the Christians and Jews were kept safe from the Roman
empire...some one needs a history lesson.

Say, ?Now the truth has come from your Lord: Let
those who wish to believe in it do so, and let those
who wish to reject it do so?] (Al-Kahf 17: 29).

There is no compulsion in religion: true guidance
has become distinct from error, so whoever rejects
false gods and believes in Allah has grasped the
firmest hand-hold, one that will never break. Allah is
all hearing and all knowing] (Al-Baqrah 2: 256)."

Spiritually - NO. Because when we declare "one
nation under God," the Christians God is loving and
kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as heavenly
father, nor is he ever called ?love? in The Qurans
99 excellent names.

Kadijah: "How many times to I say it...we have the same God.
And just for fun to prove the author a complete LIAR
Ar-Rahman The All-Compassionate
Ar-Rahim The All-Merciful
Al-Ghaffar The Forgiving
Al-Ghafur The Forgiver and Hider of Faults
Al-Karim The Generous
Al-Wadud The Loving One


Therefore after much study and deliberation....
Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS
in this country. They obviously cannot be both
"good" Muslims and good Americans.
Call it what you wish?.its still the truth. You
had better believe it! If you find yourself
intellectually in agreement with the above
statements, perhaps you will share this with your
friends. The more who understand this, the better
it will be for our country and our future. Pass it
on Fellow Americans. The religious war is bigger
than we know or understand.
And Barack Hussein Obama, a Muslim, wants to be
our President...


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