Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Who Hijacked Islam???!

I found this video on YouTube. Unfortunately since I am so new in Islam I have much to learn before I can speak out much, though the desire is there. I have a responsibility not to misrepresent my Muslim brothers and sisters out of ignorance. But this video puts it well:

And on an unrelated topic is a video about the head covering:

I personally chose to wear the hijab (head covering) almost immediately after saying my shihada because the reasons behind it made sense to me. I do believe it is a very valuable thing to be judged for my mind and for my ability to contribute over how nice my hair looks and how shapely my body is or is not. My husband had nothing to do with my decision to wear hijab. In fact he was quite concerned about the consequences of such a visible sign of my reversion. But fortunately I have been met more with curiousity than anything else. The possible edge I had in this is people came to know my very independant and outspoken nature before hand, and what hijab represents to them based on their knowledge is incredibly contradictory to the person they know me to be.

I have found a hidden aspect to wearing hijab also. 1) It serves as a constant reminder to me that I am an incredibly visible representative of my beliefs, and that if I thought God's eyes were on me before, now I also have other people casually observing me to see how I conduct myself. 2)I have developed a sense of appreciation for myself since donning it that I do not know how to describe. There is something empowering about being able to say to the world, "I'm off limits. I'm not on the meat market." 3) I have found as a bonus it has added a dimension of intimacy to my marriage. Why? Well there is something incredibly romantic about the notion that my husband is the only one priveliged enough to see me let my hair down, and that regardless of whether I doll up or just relax, he is the only one who gets to share that with me.

As I think of more i will try to post it.


Anonymous said...

How laughably naive of you to think/believe that just because you covered in a tablecloth (heheh) people won't make judgements on how you look. This is the year 2007 woman.....I feel sorry that you have to be so backward. People will make MORE judgements about you because of the simple fact that you'll look so weird and awful covered in a blanket. Get real.

Anonymous said...

By the way, Islam is so fantastic - I mean you are such a first class citizen as a woman. Really. It's fantastic. Consider how you are so trusted (not) that you can ever be trusted to be alone with a man who is not your husband. Equality, or what eh? Women get the hajib treatment and what do men get? lol Men are top of the tree and women came way down there (ground and below). Education? Yeah, forget that. You don't need that.

Anonymous said...

Mashallah Sister. Welcome to Islam and may Allah reward you for your decision to don the hijab against all odds and may He Bless you with success in this life and the Hereafter.